
bodyweight workout: core stability

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

core stability

Review the front plank, side plank, and back bridge or hip thrust holds.

3 rounds:
- Front plank hold for as long as possible
- Left side plank hold for as long as possible
- Right side plank hold for as long as possible
- Back bridge/hip thrust for as long as possible
(Holding on for as long as possible means that you should continue until you start losing proper form. When your hips start to sag, stop. Don't try to prolong your rounds by going back to the proper position after you already lost form.)

10 rounds for time:
- 10 Push ups
- 10 Walking lunges
(You can scale down to 8 or 6 reps each. If you do not have room to do walking lunges, you can substitute with forward lunges.)

1 comment:

  1. suckiness warning!

    april 3
    Core Stability:
    - Front plank: 45 secs(on elbows) - 45 secs (ITB starting to hurt) - 30 secs
    - Left side plank (knee only): 45 secs - 40 secs - 45 secs
    - Right side plank (knee only): 45 secs - 45 secs - 40 secs
    - Hip thrust: 55 secs - 55 secs - 40 secs

    2 rounds - 10 reps
    5 rounds - 8 reps
    3 rounds - 6 reps
    total time: 12 mins, 15 secs

    not super proud of my time, but at least i finished! :)
