
Bodyweight Workout

I'm posting this bodyweight workout for the benefit of those of you who don't have dumbbells and/or are unfamiliar with the exercises in yesterday's WOD.

Warm up:
- 300 jump rope jumps
- DROMS: shoulder rotations, archer reaches, scorpions, leg swings
- 10 each: Pyramid/Pike push ups, Situps, Arch rocks, Hollow rocks, Side rocks, Good mornings, Side lunges

Strength Training:
5x5 (Bodyweight) Single Leg Deadlifts
- 1 set 5 reps of regular bodyweight squats
- 1 set 5 reps of backward lunges
- 5 sets of 5 repetitions each, single leg deadlifts
* Use the first two sets of squats/lunges to review the mechanics of stable hip/leg movement (at the least, keep your weight on your heels, knees aligned with toes, don't slouch).

Do as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
- 1 Back bridge/Hip thrust
- 1 Situp
- 1 Pair of lunges (Stand up tall before each lunge.)
- 1 Push up
- Lie back down
* Try to do the movements in each round as smooth and seamless as possible, without pause or rest within each round. You can take a breather in between rounds. Also, try to keep proper posture throughout, even when transitioning between the exercises.


Dumbbells, dumbbells

Warm up:
- 300 jump rope jumps
- DROMS: shoulder dislocations, archer reaches, scorpions, leg swings
- 10 each: Pyramid push ups, DB OH situps, Arch rocks, Hollow rocks, Side rocks, Good mornings, Side lunges

5x5 Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift
- 1x5 @ 40, 50, 60, 70 lbs
- 5x5 @ 80 lbs (2x40lb DBs, 30% 1RM of regular Deadlift)

With a single dumbbell, do as many rounds as possible in 10min of:
- 1 Single arm DB pull over
- 1 Turkish get up
- 1 Single arm push press
- 1 Pair, DB OH lunges (1 lunge with each leg)
- Negative turk. get up, pull over
* Start and end each round lying down with the dumbbell on the floor, behind your head.

= 16 rounds, 1x15lb DB

Dumbbell Pull over:
- Start by lying on the floor, face up and legs extended, holding the dumbbell (with 1 or 2 hands) on the floor beyond your head, with elbow(s) slightly bent and shoulder(s) fully open.
- Keeping the angle of your elbow the same, raise the dumbbell up to above your shoulder/chest, ending with your arm perpendicular to your body. Return to the initial position by moving exactly in reverse, keeping your elbow just slightly bent.
- Keep your torso tight and your legs extended throughout the exercise.