
Hill Run

Welcome the new year with a bang guys! Go out and try something new, or retry something that you've left behind with a new outlook.

Personally, I have decided that I will try more endurance sports, like running. Hence this little hill run. It's not a long distance effort yet, but hopefully a good start.

I used to run 5 kilometers every weekend, but I had to stop when my right knee started hurting every time after a run. Looking back, I didn't really know what I was doing, just putting a foot in front of the other quickly and hoping for the best.

Over the past few months, I've been reading about dealing with knee injuries, and I discovered that an adequate amount of lower body strength and proper running form can save people from chronic injuries. A lot of squats, torso conditioning and some research into Pose and Chi running later (2 similar systems of running form), I'm pain free so far. Hopefully now I can increase my running volume without any side effects.

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Warm Up:
- 200m run or 100 jumping jacks
- DROMS (shoulder circles, arm swings, chicken wings, leg swings)
- 20 each: high knee run, cheerleader run, heel to rear run

Strength Training:
5x5 Push ups
- Do 5 sets of the most difficult push up variation that you can do for 5 repetitions.

= 5x5 single arm push ups (feet shoulder width apart)

Run 3km.

= 22 minutes 28 seconds (done in Camp John Hay, back and forth between the Mile High Inn and the convention center)


Merry Christmas!

Happy holidays guys!

Warm Up:
- 200m run or 100 jumping jacks
- DROMS (shoulder circles, arm swings, chicken wings, leg swings)
- 8 reps: tuck ups, Good mornings, Push ups, Squats

30 reps each, for time:
- squats
- push ups
- reverse crunches
- thrusters (60 or 40 lbs)
- arch rocks
- hollow rocks
- pyramid/regular push ups
- jumping pull ups

* If you are not yet familiar with the thruster exercise, you can do jump squats instead.
* If you are not familiar with reverse crunches, you can substitute with knee up or regular ab crunches
* If you are unable to do pull ups, you can substitute with rows or supermans/back arches