
Hill Run

Welcome the new year with a bang guys! Go out and try something new, or retry something that you've left behind with a new outlook.

Personally, I have decided that I will try more endurance sports, like running. Hence this little hill run. It's not a long distance effort yet, but hopefully a good start.

I used to run 5 kilometers every weekend, but I had to stop when my right knee started hurting every time after a run. Looking back, I didn't really know what I was doing, just putting a foot in front of the other quickly and hoping for the best.

Over the past few months, I've been reading about dealing with knee injuries, and I discovered that an adequate amount of lower body strength and proper running form can save people from chronic injuries. A lot of squats, torso conditioning and some research into Pose and Chi running later (2 similar systems of running form), I'm pain free so far. Hopefully now I can increase my running volume without any side effects.

- - -

Warm Up:
- 200m run or 100 jumping jacks
- DROMS (shoulder circles, arm swings, chicken wings, leg swings)
- 20 each: high knee run, cheerleader run, heel to rear run

Strength Training:
5x5 Push ups
- Do 5 sets of the most difficult push up variation that you can do for 5 repetitions.

= 5x5 single arm push ups (feet shoulder width apart)

Run 3km.

= 22 minutes 28 seconds (done in Camp John Hay, back and forth between the Mile High Inn and the convention center)


Merry Christmas!

Happy holidays guys!

Warm Up:
- 200m run or 100 jumping jacks
- DROMS (shoulder circles, arm swings, chicken wings, leg swings)
- 8 reps: tuck ups, Good mornings, Push ups, Squats

30 reps each, for time:
- squats
- push ups
- reverse crunches
- thrusters (60 or 40 lbs)
- arch rocks
- hollow rocks
- pyramid/regular push ups
- jumping pull ups

* If you are not yet familiar with the thruster exercise, you can do jump squats instead.
* If you are not familiar with reverse crunches, you can substitute with knee up or regular ab crunches
* If you are unable to do pull ups, you can substitute with rows or supermans/back arches


Cooper Test in the Morning

Sometimes you just have to try it.

As I write this, it seems that the first thing in the morning work out is ok, though I did have to take a 40 minute nap come lunchtime. Haha! But I think that has more to do with how I slept for just 5 hours last night. Some days, you need to maybe skip a workout and rest. Some other days, you should just suck it up, skip the snoozing and get a 30 minute workout in.

The 12 minute run seems to be a good test of cardiovascular endurance. Long enough to really test out your lungs, but not too long as to be a significant long distance run that would be too taxing to some people. I'm not sure how Dr. Cooper developed his result standards table, but I guess it can give you a ballpark estimate of how you compare to most of the population. Bottom line, when you do the 12 minute run again sometime in the future, you can see if and how much you've improved.

0500-0530 in the morning
Warm up:
- 3x10 reps each of: High knee run, Cheerleader run, Running in place

WOD: Run the farthest you can in 12 minutes (Cooper Test)
= 2,640 meters

- - -
Warm Up:
- 300 jrj = 2min 12 s
- 10 each: Pyramid push ups, Pull ups, Arch/Hollow Rocks, Samson lunges, Side lunges

Strength Training:

5x5, 3x3 Shoulder Press
- 1x5 @ 50, 60, 70, 80
- 5x5 @ 90 lbs
- 3x3 @ 105 lbs

3x7 Pull Ups
- 3x7 strict ring pull ups

21-15-9 for time:
- burpees
- reverse crunches
= 3min 57 sec


Bodyweight Workout

I'm posting this bodyweight workout for the benefit of those of you who don't have dumbbells and/or are unfamiliar with the exercises in yesterday's WOD.

Warm up:
- 300 jump rope jumps
- DROMS: shoulder rotations, archer reaches, scorpions, leg swings
- 10 each: Pyramid/Pike push ups, Situps, Arch rocks, Hollow rocks, Side rocks, Good mornings, Side lunges

Strength Training:
5x5 (Bodyweight) Single Leg Deadlifts
- 1 set 5 reps of regular bodyweight squats
- 1 set 5 reps of backward lunges
- 5 sets of 5 repetitions each, single leg deadlifts
* Use the first two sets of squats/lunges to review the mechanics of stable hip/leg movement (at the least, keep your weight on your heels, knees aligned with toes, don't slouch).

Do as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
- 1 Back bridge/Hip thrust
- 1 Situp
- 1 Pair of lunges (Stand up tall before each lunge.)
- 1 Push up
- Lie back down
* Try to do the movements in each round as smooth and seamless as possible, without pause or rest within each round. You can take a breather in between rounds. Also, try to keep proper posture throughout, even when transitioning between the exercises.


Dumbbells, dumbbells

Warm up:
- 300 jump rope jumps
- DROMS: shoulder dislocations, archer reaches, scorpions, leg swings
- 10 each: Pyramid push ups, DB OH situps, Arch rocks, Hollow rocks, Side rocks, Good mornings, Side lunges

5x5 Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift
- 1x5 @ 40, 50, 60, 70 lbs
- 5x5 @ 80 lbs (2x40lb DBs, 30% 1RM of regular Deadlift)

With a single dumbbell, do as many rounds as possible in 10min of:
- 1 Single arm DB pull over
- 1 Turkish get up
- 1 Single arm push press
- 1 Pair, DB OH lunges (1 lunge with each leg)
- Negative turk. get up, pull over
* Start and end each round lying down with the dumbbell on the floor, behind your head.

= 16 rounds, 1x15lb DB

Dumbbell Pull over:
- Start by lying on the floor, face up and legs extended, holding the dumbbell (with 1 or 2 hands) on the floor beyond your head, with elbow(s) slightly bent and shoulder(s) fully open.
- Keeping the angle of your elbow the same, raise the dumbbell up to above your shoulder/chest, ending with your arm perpendicular to your body. Return to the initial position by moving exactly in reverse, keeping your elbow just slightly bent.
- Keep your torso tight and your legs extended throughout the exercise.


Let's go sago!

From this point on, once in a while I will be posting a workout that I performed. Ideally, I'd be able to put here all the workouts that I'll do, in an effort to improve my documentation, and ultimately the quality of my own training. If I have extra time, I'll also add in some notes for those who will want to do the same workouts, and some thoughts on specific issues related to physical conditioning and the martial arts.

The previous workouts on this blog are actually patterned after ones that I've done myself, so what I'll be posting won't really be that big of a stretch for those that I've coached for those WODs earlier this year. The biggest difference will be that my strength training will involve a lot of weightlifting and some gymnastics, so equipment may become a constraint for those working out from their homes. In this case, you can always substitute the weightlifting exercises with similar bodyweight strength training exercises. For the gymnastics, there are also always substitutions that you will be able to do.

As always, before you do any of the exercises or workouts that you read from here or any other source, make sure that you recieve good instruction from a competent coach on how do these properly. Bottom line, the possibility of injury is always a risk we take.

For today, this is what I was able to do:

Warm up:
- 300 jump rope jumps
- Dynamic Range Of Motion exercises: shoulder dislocations, chicken wings, prone scorpions
- 10 reps each: incline rows, side lunges, v-ups, 30lb DB windmills

Strength Training:
5x5 Shoulder Press
- 1x5 @ 60, 70, 80, 90 lbs
- 4x4 @ 95 lbs (65% of previous 1RM)

Workout Of the Day:
10 rounds for time:
- 5 pull ups
- 10 push ups
- 15 squats
= 15min 55 sec
* Performance was down to around 80% of previous efforts. It will be a long hard climb back up. hehe.


bodyweight work out: leg power (lunge jumps)

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 10 reps: side lunges, forward lunges, push ups, crunches

leg power: lunge jumps

Practice/Learn the lunge jump.

Do the following in 1 minute intervals:
- 15 squats
- 10 lunges
- 5 lunge jumps (1 jump per side = 1 rep)
- 5 lunge jumps
- 5 lunge jumps

Do 5 rounds for time:
- 15 tuck ups
- 10 push ups
- 10 good mornings
- 5 lunge jumps

* Lunge jumps:
- The movement looks similar to the forward lunge, but instead of just stepping, you will jump in place and switch legs in mid-air.
- From a standing position with feet shoulder width apart, start by taking a big step forward with one leg.
- Lower your hips until your rear knee almost touches the ground, then immediately jump up.
- While in mid-air, quickly switch the positions of your legs such that the forward leg becomes the rear leg and vice versa.
- Land on a lunge with the opposite foot forward, landing first with the balls of your feet and then using the lowering movement of the lunge to absorb your landing.
- Immediately jump up and switch your legs in mid-air again to land in the same lunge as your starting position. That is 1 repetition.
- Make sure that you keep you keep your back straight, chest up, and head looking forward to the horizon throughout this exercise. Also, keep the knee of your forward leg aligned with and directly above your foot. You must also land as softly as you can, and refrain from stomping your legs on the ground.
- You can make this exercise easier by shortening your lunge, but once you are comfortable with this exercise you should try to keep you lunge as long as possible.


bodyweight workout: core stability (planks)

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, pushups, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

core stability: planks

Do 4 rounds, 15 seconds each of:
- front plank
- left side plank
- right side plank
- reverse plank

3 rounds for time:
- 400m run or 200 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- 10 burpees
- 15 good mornings


bodyweight workout: leg strength (single leg deadlift)

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 reps: push ups, tuck ups, pyramid push ups, supermans, side lunges

leg strength: single leg deadlift

Learn/practice the single leg deadlift.

Do the following at 1 minute intervals per set:
- 1 set x 10 repetitions of regular squats
- 1 set x 8 reps of forward lunges
- 1 set x 6 reps of backward lunges
- 3 sets x 4 reps single leg deadlifts (1 set = do 4 single leg deadlifts on the left leg, then 4 more on the right leg)

As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
- 1 push up
- 1 squat jump
- 1 good morning
- 1 crunch/sit up
- 1 squat jump
- 1 pair of forward lunges
Try to be transition dynamically from one exercise to the next (i.e. do a burpee for the pushup-squat jump, then use the momentum from the situp to roll up to the bottom of the next squat, and lunging right after landing from the jump).
Try to rest only after the lunges.

* Single leg deadlift:
- Start from a single leg balance, with your raised leg positioned a little behind you.
- Lower yourself, bending on your hip and knee, until your hands reach the middle of your shins/calves.
- Try to keep your raised leg above the ground behind you. If you lose balance, you can let it touch the ground but do not put any weight on it.
- Always maintain a straight or slightly arched back, with shoulders also pulled back. Neck should be aligned with the spine, and bending knee must always be aligned with your foot.
- You can make this more challenging by going lower and touching your feet instead of your mid-shins, or lightly touching your rear knee to the ground.

This is a good demonstration of a single leg deadlift (we won't need to use weights): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA1n11ph_wU
Another good demo, this one touches the rear knee to the ground: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQdFpjKEjHw&feature=related


weights workout: leg strength (dumbbell squat)

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic range of motion exercises
- 10 reps: side lunges, push ups, goodmornings, v-ups/tuck ups/crunches

leg strength (dumbbell squat 5x5)

Practice/Learn the dumbbell squat.

Do 5x5 dumbbell squats
- 5 sets x 5 reps each set
(Rest for 2 minutes per set. Since I'm assuming that everyone is new to weightlifting exercises, everyone should start out with 10lb dumbbells. Concentrate on doing the exercise with proper form, and with full range of motion. No need for any warm up sets for now.)

Do 21-15-9 for time:
- burpees
- tuck ups
- squats (bodyweight only, no dumbbells)

* Dumbbell squat:
- Start from a standing position with feet shoulder width apart with toes pointing slightly outward, back straight or slightly arched. Dumbbells are carried on each hand either on the sides with both arms relaxed and extended downwards, or above shoulders with elbows pointing forward (dumbbells can rest on the shoulders).
- In a deliberate and controlled manner, lower yourself by starting to bend at the hips, followed by the knees, until your hips are as low as your knees. Moving through your full range of motion is crucial. Your knees can move forward to slightly beyond your toes (keep them pointed in the same direction as toes). Do not pause nor relax at the bottom of the squat.
- Right when you reach the bottom position of your squat, aggressively go right back up to full hip extension by pulling your hips upward first. Your knees must not move any further forward when you are moving upward.
- Keep your head and chest up, knees pointed in the same direction as toes, and weight on your heels. Keep your body tight and never relax at any point in the lift, specially at the bottom.
- Keep the dumbbells directly above or below your shoulders, and they must be balanced directly above your feet on your front-back/anteroposterior axis (when someone looks at you from your side, your midfoot, shoulders, and the weights must remain lined up vertically throughout the lift).

This is a description and animation of a dumbbell squat with the weights held to the sides:
This is a description and animation of a dumbbell squat with the weights held above the shoulders:


bodyweight workout: leg power (jumps)

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 10 reps: side lunges, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP: leg power (jumps)
Do 1 round, each within 1 minute intervals:
- 10 squats
- 8 forward lunges
- 6 jump squats
- 4 straight jumps
- 4 tuck jumps

As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
- 3 tuck jumps
- 6 burpees
- 9 push ups


bodyweight work out: leg strength (squats)

- 200m run or 150 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic range of motion exercises
- 10 reps: push ups, v/tuck ups, squats, side lunges

SKILL/SPECIFIC WARM UP: Leg strength (squats)
1 round, do each set within 2 minute intervals:
- 15 squats
- 10 forward lunges
- 5 backward lunges
- 5 single leg squats each leg (any variation)
- 15 squats

WOD (Workout of the Day):
5 rounds on a 3min interval of
- 100m run/100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- 5 pyramid pushups
- 10 jump squats
(Record your time every round, rest until the time goes to 3 minutes, then go on to the next round. You should finish with at least 45 seconds remaining. Otherwise, reduce the run/jumping jacks/jump rope volume by half.)


bodyweight workout: leg stability and balance

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, side lunges, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

leg stability and balance

3 rounds, 1 minute each of:
- standing leg circles (left side)
- standing leg circles (right side)
- 3 or 5 single leg squats each leg, any variation
- rest

for time:
- 20 pushups, 5 goodmornings
- 15 pushups, 10 goodmornings
- 10 pushups, 15 goodmornings
- 5 pushups, 20 goodmornings
(You can replace the goodmornings with supermans if you start having trouble keeping your back straight or arched.)

The lateral component to this lunge variation will help strengthen your hip adductors (inner thighs) more.
- Start from a standing position with legs fully extended and shoulder width apart.
- Take one leg and step to the side until your feet are around 2 shoulder widths apart, bending this leg at the knee and hip, while keeping the knee of the other leg straight. Keep the knee of your lunging leg aligned with your foot.
- Lower your hips until your range of motion allows, then rise up and step back to your starting position.
- Do the same on the other side with the other leg, and that will be one repetition.
- The foot of the lunging leg can either face forward, towards the direction of your lunge, or any angle in between, but you must keep the lunging knee aligned with the foot. Also, keep your chest up, head facing the horizon.

This is a good description of the side lunge, with illustration. This can be done, as in our case, without weights. http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/GluteusMaximus/BBSideLunge.html


bodyweight workout: broad jumps, tabata squat jumps and tuck ups

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches
- 1 minute each: front plank, left side plank, right side plank, reverse plank

Broad jumps

Learn/Practice the broad jump.

On 1 minute intervals, do the following:
- 8 jump squats
- 6 straight jumps
- 4 tuck jumps
- 2 broad jumps
- 2 broad jumps
- 2 broad jumps

* Broad jump:
- From a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart, squat down and swing your arms down and back to prepare to jump.
- Jump forward as far as you can.
- Always land in a proper squat.
- To maximize your distance, try to reach forward with your arms and keep your legs extended for as long as possible while you are in mid-air. This will enable you to keep your torso and limbs tight and carry momentum for as long as possible.

Tabata jump squats and tuck ups
8 rounds of:
- 20 seconds jump squats
- 10 seconds rest
rest for 1 minute
8 rounds of:
- 20 seconds tuck ups
- 10 seconds rest
(Count total number of reps of all 8 rounds for jump squats and tuck ups.)


bodyweight workout: leg stability and balance

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: squats, pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

leg stability and balance
3 rounds, 1 minute each of:
- standing leg circles (left side)
- standing leg circles (right side)
- 5 single leg squats
- rest
(For each 1 minute interval, you will try to perform the exercises with as little interruption as possible, but resting and resetting as needed. For this skill workout, you should not focus on speed, but on awareness and control of your legs and body)

3 rounds, 1 minute each of:
- front planks
- good mornings
- squat jumps
- push ups
- rest
(Record reps per exercise per round, compare your reps with what you did on 2009-02-17)


bodyweight workout: reverse plank

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

Reverse plank

Learn/practice the reverse plank.

8 rounds of 15 seconds holds, no rest in between:
- front plank hold
- left side plank hold
- right side plank hold
- reverse plank hold
(You can scale down to at least 5 rounds.)

WOD (Workout of the Day, 10-15 minutes)
Do 5 rounds for time:
- 100m run
- 15 jump squats
- 15 pyramid push ups

* Reverse plank
This is a plank exercise for the back.
- Start by sitting down on the ground with legs straight, hands on the floor behind you.
- Raise your hips off the floor until your torso and thighs are in line with each other. Focus on contracting your back muscles to keep your torso straight, and keep your shoulders actively pressing down on the floor.
- If it is too difficult, you can bend your knees, or rest your elbows and forearms on the floor instead of just your hands.

This is another good description, with photos: http://www.101exercises.com/2008/12/reverse-plank.html


bodyweight workout: core stability

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

core stability

Review the front plank, side plank, and back bridge or hip thrust holds.

3 rounds:
- Front plank hold for as long as possible
- Left side plank hold for as long as possible
- Right side plank hold for as long as possible
- Back bridge/hip thrust for as long as possible
(Holding on for as long as possible means that you should continue until you start losing proper form. When your hips start to sag, stop. Don't try to prolong your rounds by going back to the proper position after you already lost form.)

10 rounds for time:
- 10 Push ups
- 10 Walking lunges
(You can scale down to 8 or 6 reps each. If you do not have room to do walking lunges, you can substitute with forward lunges.)


bodyweight workout: straight and tuck jumps

- 200m run or 200 jump rope jumps/hop in place/jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches
- 3 x 20 reps heel to rear run (1 rep of heel to rear run is 1 pair of strides)

straight jumps, tuck jumps

Learn/Practice the straight jump, and the tuck jump.

Do the following in 1 minute intervals :
- 12 Squats
- 10 Squat jumps
- 10 Tuck ups
- 6 Straight jumps
- 4 Tuck jumps
(These are not for time, do not tire yourself out. Focus on proper form and rest between reps so that you can remain fresh and perform each rep with full power.)

WOD (Workout of the Day, 10 minutes)
Do as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
- 3 push ups
- 1 squat jump
- 1 straight jump
- 1 tuck jump
- 100m run
(Make sure to land always in a squat, never stomp on the floor. You can scale down the jumps by doing 1 squat then 2 straight jumps, or 3 squats instead per round. Do not scale down mid-workout, you should decide beforehand.)

* Straight jump:
This is essentialy a jump squat but trying to go for maximum height.
- Start by squatting down to the bottom of your full squat. At the same time, swing your hands down and back.
- Jump straight up with full hip extension, swinging your hands forward and up. You should end up in the air for as long as possible with a tight torso (semi-arched), fully extended hips and arms reaching up as high as you can.
- Land with the midfoot/ball of the foot, absorbing your landing into a squat. Do not land with straight knees. Do not stomp on the floor as you land. Try to land as quietly as possible.

* Tuck jump:
This is a straight jump but with a tuck at the highest point in the jump.
- Start the jump as in a straight jump, squatting down and jumping up into a slight arch with hips extended and arms reaching up.
- At the highest point in the jump, explosively tuck your knees to your chest. Your arms should naturally swing down to aid in maintaining momentum.
- Land, as in the straight jump, with your midfoot first, and absorbing the force with a squat.

This is a good description of the tuck jump, with photos: http://www.brassringfitness.com/workout-techniques/tuck-jumps/


bodyweight workout: core stability

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

core stability

Do 4 rounds, 15 seconds each of:
- front plank hold
- left side plank hold
- right side plank hold
- back bridge/hip thrust

For time:
- 30 Jump squats
- 30 Bent over rows/Supermans
- 30 Squats
- 30 Forward/Walking lunges
- 30 Tuck ups/Crunches
- 30 Push ups
- 30 High knee run or 60 Jumping jacks
- 30 Good mornings
- 30 Burpees
(You can scale down to 20 or 15 reps each. Mind your form, specially with the last reps. Only do forward lunges if you have absolutely no room for walking lunges.)


bodyweight workout: hollow, arch, and side holds

WARM UP (15 minutes)
- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP (5-10 minutes):
hollow, arch, and side holds

Practice and study the hollow, arch, and side crunch holds for 3-5 minutes.
Perform 3-5 rounds of the following:
- 15 second hollow body hold
- 15 second arch hold
- 15 second side crunch hold - left
- 15 second side crunch hold - right

WOD (Workout of the Day, 5-10 minutes)
21-15-9 rep rounds, for time:
- pyramid push ups
- bench dips
- regular push ups

(If you can do less than 10 push ups in 1 straight set, then you can reduce the reps to 11-8-5, or 7-5-3.
Make sure you do keep an active core throughout the WOD, body slightly hollowed on regular and pyramid push ups.)


bodyweight workout: classic running drills

WARM UP (15 minutes)
- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, tuck ups, good mornings, regular pushups, bench dips
- 3 rounds, 30 seconds each of: front plank, left side plank, right side plank, back bridge

SPECIFIC WARM UP (3-5 minutes)
running drills
Do 3 rounds, 20 reps each of:
- high knees
- cheerleader run
10 second rest in between rounds

(Make sure you stay light on your feet, minimizing your contact with the ground. Do not land on your heels. If you don't have room to run, you can do these in place. )

WOD (Workout of the Day, 10-15 minutes)
Run 200m
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 repetition rounds of the following:
- pushups
- tuck ups
- good mornings
Run another 200m

(If you do not have space to run, you can do 100 heel to rear running or jumping jacks instead.)

* High knees:
- Run and try to drive your knee up to chest hight on every stride. Focus on flexing your hips.

* Cheerleader run/Butt kicks:
- Minimizing hip movement, run and try to touch your heel to your bottom on every stride. Focus on flexing your knees.


bodyweight work out: leg strength

WARM UP (15 minutes)
- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP(10 minutes)
Leg strength

1 round, do each set within 2 minute intervals:
- 20 squats
- 15 forward lunges
- 10 backward lunges
- 5 single leg squats (both sides)
- 20 squats

Work on good form. You can do 5-10 seconds of the squat stretch in between sets to practice keeping your knees out above your feet.

WOD (Workout of the Day, 5-10 minutes)
For time, do 20-15-10-5 repetition rounds of:
- pushups
- squats
- supermans
- crunches
(compare your time with 2009 12 28)

* Squat stretch:
This is a good stretch for your thighs, speciallly those having trouble with their squat depth.
- With your heels shoulder width apart and toes pointing slightly outward, lower your hips until you are in a low squat with your hips resting lower than your knees.
- Keeping your chest high and back straight/arched, push your thighs out using your elbows until your knees are at least as wide as your feet/toes, and you feel a stretch on your inner thighs (hip adductor muscles). Hold this for ten to twenty seconds.


bodyweight workout: core stability

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP (10-15 minutes)
core stability

Learn/Practice the front and side plank holds.

Do 15-15-30 second rounds of the following:
- front plank hold
- rest
- left side plank hold
- rest
- right side plank hold
- rest
- back bridge/hip thrust
(For the first 2 rounds, do 15 seconds worth of each, then 30 seconds for the 3rd round.)

* Plank
- Lie on the ground face down with legs straight and hands placed on the floor at your sides near your chest.
- Crunch your abs to slightly hollow your body, then push up until your arms are fully extended. Keep your body straight or slightly hollowed (avoid arching your back). Keep your hips straight as well.
- If this is too difficult, you can place your elbows and forearms and/or knees on the ground. However, always maintain a straight torso and hips. Do not arch your back or sag your hips.

* Side plank
- Lie on your side with legs straight, one leg on top of the other.
- Post up on your bottom arm, and then straighten your body. Only your bottom hand and your bottom foot should be on the floor.
- Similar to the front plank, you can place your elbow and/or knee on the ground. You can also use your top hand on the floor to aid in balance. Be sure to keep your torso and hips straight.

* Hip thrust
- Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet near your bottom.
- Arch your back and lift your hips up as high as you can. Only your feet, upper back, head, and arms should be on the floor.

* Back bridge
- Lie on your back, bend your knees and place yout feet near your bottom. Place your hands on the floor beside your ears, elbows pointing up.
- Push up with your arms and legs and arch your back in order to lift up your hips as high as possible. Only your hands, crown, and feeet should be on the ground.
- If your neck and back are strong enough, you can fold your arms across your chest so that only your head and feet are on the floor.

WOD (Workout of the Day, 23 minutes)
Do 3 rounds of the following:
- 1 minute front plank hold
- 15 push ups in 1 minute
- 1 minute left side plank hold
- 10 forward lunges in 1 minute
- 1 minute right side plank hold
- 10 pyramid push ups in 1 minute
- 1 minute back bridge/hip thrust
- 1 minute rest
(If you can not do the holds for 1 whole minute, hold for as long as you can then rest for the remainder of that minute.)


bodyweight workout: single leg toe touches, single leg squats

WARM UP (15 minutes)
- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: squats, pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

single leg toe touches, single leg squats

Practice/Learn the single leg squat (and it's progressions) and the single leg toe touch.

Do 2 rounds, each in 1 minute intervals;
- Continuous standing leg circles (left side)
- Continuous standing leg circles (right side)
- 10 Forward lunges + 10 Backward lunges per side
- 5 Single leg toe touches
- 5 Single leg squats or squat progressions (if you can not do the full squat yet, do progressions for the regular squat)

(For each 1 minute interval, you will try to perform the exercises with as little interruption as possible, but resting and resetting as needed. For this skill workout, you should not focus on speed, but on awareness and control of your legs and body)

* Single leg toe touch:
- From a standing position, bend forward at the hip while simultaneously raising one leg backwards, until your torso and rear leg are horizontal (similar to the "balancing stick" yoga posture but with your arms down). At the bottom, touch your foot on the floor with one or both hands, then come back up to stand.
- Keep your back straight and both knees locked.

* Single leg squat (variations):
- From a single leg balance, raise the lifted foot in front of you to at least knee height, trying to keep its knee as straight as possible. You can bring your arms forward for balance.
- Move your hips back and down as in a regular squat, while keeping the lifted leg off the ground.
Knee down
- From a standing position, bend one knee while keeping your hips extended (raise one foot backward while keeping your knees in place).
- Kneel down on the bent knee, lightly touching it on the floor beside the front foot. Keeping the rear knee bent, come back up to stand with full hip extension.
- Throughout this exercise, always keep your head and chest up, shoulders back, and squatting knee over foot.

* Single leg squat progressions:
Unassisted, partial range of motion
- Perform the regular (single leg) squat as described, but only lower yourself until the point where you start to lose knee stability, then move back up. Try to push this limit.
Assisted, full range of motion
- Perform the (single leg) squat with your hips lowering all the way down to parallel, but with your hands holding on to a support (post/door frame/chair/training partner). Your raised leg can be placed lightly on the ground but bearing no/minimal weight. When doing assisted squats, you should move through the full range of motion (hips should lower to knee height).

WOD (Workout of the Day, 10 minutes)
As many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
- 3 single leg squats each side
- 6 push ups
- 9 good mornings/back arches
(If single leg squats are still too difficult, replace them with 6 regular squats.)


bodyweight workout: running drills

WARM UP (15 minutes)
- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: squats, regular pushups, pyramid pushups, goodmornings, crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP (5 minutes)
running drills
Do 3 rounds, 20 reps each of:
- high knees
- cheerleader run
- 10 second rest
(If you don't have room to run, you can do these in place. Make sure you stay light on your feet minimizing your contact with the ground, and do not land on your heels.)

* High knees:
- Run and drive your knee up to chest hight on every bound. Focus on flexing your hips.

* Cheerleader run/Butt kicks:
- Without moving your hips, run and try to touch your heel to your bottom on every bound. Focus on flexing your knees.

WOD (Workout of the Day, 5-10 minutes)
21-15-9 rep rounds for time:
(So first round is 21 Tuck ups and 21 Burpees. Second round is 15 each, and third is 9 each. You can scale down to 14-10-6. Rest as needed, But you have to finish the sets in the order provided.)


bodyweight workout: pike push ups

WARM UP (10-15 minutes)
- 200 200m run or 200 jump rope jumps or calf jumps
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP(5-15 minutes)
Pyramid/Pike/Downward dog pushups

Learn/Practice the proper form of the Pike push up.

Do 4 rounds of:
- 20 second hold of the Pike/Downward dog position
- 10 second rest

* When maintaining the pike/downward dog position, for our purposes, slightly hollow your body by crunching your abs. Also, make sure you keep your shoulders fully opened (try to hide your ears with your shoulders or arms).

Do 10-8-4-2 rep rounds of
- Pike push ups
(Rest 30-60 seconds per round.)

* Pike/downward dog push ups:
- Starting from a plank position with toes and hands on the floor, bend at the hips while keeping your legs, torso and arms straight, until you form an inverted 'v' with your body. Look at your legs (do not look at the floor) to maintain neck alignment and back posture.
- Keeping your elbows pointed towards your feet, lower yourself until your head touches the floor, and push back up until your arms are straight and your shoulders are fully opened (try to touch your shoulders to your ears).
- You can spread your legs apart so that they can take more of your weight away form your arms, or you can do this with your hands on a bench. To make it more difficult, you can put your feet up on the bench and your hands on the floor.

WOD (Workout of the Day, 10-20 minutes)
30 each, for time:
- Jump squats
- Good mornings
- Push ups
- Squats
- Supermans
- Backward lunges
- Sit-ups/Crunches
- Burpees
(You can scale down to 15 each. Mind your form with the squats. Go fast!)


Bent over rows, Pike push ups

WARM UP (10-15 minutes)
- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP (10-15 minutes)
Bent over rows, review of Pike push ups

Learn or review the bent over row, and the pike push up
Do the following, each within 1 minute intervals:
- 10 bent over rows (3 count pull, 3 count pause at the top,)
- 5 pike push ups (3 count push, 3 count pause at the top)
- 5 bent over rows
- 3 pike pushups
- 5 bent over rows
- 3 pike pushups

WOD (Workout of the Day, 15 minutes)
5 rounds for time:
- 10 backward lunges
- 5 bent over rows
- 3 pike pushups
- 100m run or 60 jumping jacks or 30 high knees

* Bent over rows:
- Start by picking up the weights/band while keeping an arched back, extend your arms fully downward and try to bend over until your back is as horizontal as you can sustain (halfway to horizontal will suffice). Your legs can bend slightly to maintain balance.
- Keeping your back arched and elbows pointed back, pull and raise the weights/bands to your sides above your hips (try to reach your ribs). Then lower the weight to return to starting position.
- If this is too difficult, you can do partial reps, pulling only to your hips. If your back keeps on rounding out, you can do bent over bench rows instead. Always maintain a back arch.

* Bent over bench rows:
- With one foot on the floor, kneel the other knee on a bench, bend over and post arm on the same side (as the kneeling leg) on the bench. Hold the weight/band with the free hand and extend that arm downwards.
- Keeping your elbow pointed towards your feet, pull the weight up toward your side, until your elbow is above your ribs. Do the required reps on both sides.
- Always maintain a back arch, and try to minimize torso rotation as you pull.

* Pike/downward dog push ups:
- Starting from a plank position with toes and hands on the floor, bend at the hips while keeping your legs, torso and arms straight, until you form an inverted 'v' with your body. Look at your legs (do not look at the floor) to maintain neck alignment and back posture.
- Keeping your elbows pointed towards your feet, lower yourself until your head touches the floor, and push back up until your arms are straight and your shoulders are fully opened (try to touch your shoulders to your ears).
- You can spread your legs apart so that they can take more of your weight away form your arms, or you can do this with your hands on a bench. To make it more difficult, you can put your feet up on the bench and your hands on the floor.

* High knees:
- Run in place, trying to raise your lifted your knee to chest height on each bound. Always bounce on your calves


bodyweight workout: hollow, arch, and side holds

WARM UP (10-15 minutes)
- 200 200m run or 200 jump rope jumps or calf jumps
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 5 squats, 5 regular pushups, 5 pyramid push ups, 5 goodmornings, 5 v-ups/crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP(5-10 minutes):
Hollow, arch, and side holds

Practice and study the hollow, arch, and side crunch holds for 3-5 minutes.
Perform 3-5 rounds of the following:
- 15 second hollow body hold
- 15 second arch hold
- 15 second side crunch hold - left
- 15 second side crunch hold - right
(go for 5 rounds but scale back to 3 if you have to)

WOD (Workout Of the Day, 5-10 minutes):
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 repetition rounds of the following:
- pushups
- walking lunges
(If you do not have space to do walking lunges, you can substitute with forward lunges instead. You can also start doing the pushups with your body hollowed. Compare your time here with 2009-01-06.)


bodyweight workout: max rep push ups

WARM UP (10-15 minutes)
- 200m run or 200 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic range of motion exercises (vertical and horizontal arm swings, arm circles, forward-back and side to side torso bends, torso rotations, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 5 each of: forward lunges, backward lunges, pushups, pyramid/downward dog pushups, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP (5-10 minutes)
max rep push ups
Do 3 rounds of the following (not time-bound):
- max push ups
- 1 minute rest

For the push ups, do the variation that you usually do for workouts (may be knees down, or declined push ups). Make sure to keep your body hollowed out, do not arch.

Once you find yourself pausing to take a breath, you start to arch your back or sag your hips, stop. That will be 1 round of max push ups.

WOD (5-10 minutes)
For time:
- 21 burpees
- 21 v-ups/knee up crunches/crunches
- 15 burpees
- 15 v-ups/knee up crunches/crunches
- 9 burpees
- 9 v-ups/knee up crunches/crunches


bodyweight workout: leg stability

WARM UP (10-15 minutes)
- 200m run or 200 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic range of motion exercises (vertical and horizontal arm swings, arm circles, forward-back and side to side torso bends, torso rotations, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 5 each of: squats, pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP (12 minutes)
Leg stability and balance

3 rounds, 1 minute each of:
- standing leg circles (left side)
- standing leg circles (right side)
- 5 single leg squats (alternate between left and right per rep)
- rest

For the leg circles, you will try to perform the exercises continuously with as little interruption as possible, but resting and resetting as needed. For the single leg squats, rest after doing 5 for each leg. You should not focus on speed, but on awareness and control of your legs and body

WOD (Workout of the Day, 15 minutes)
3 rounds, 1 minute each of:
- front planks
- goodmornings
- squat jumps
- pushups
- rest
(Record reps per exercise per round)