
Bent over rows, Pike push ups

WARM UP (10-15 minutes)
- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 8 each of: forward lunges, squats, regular pushups, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches

SPECIFIC WARM UP (10-15 minutes)
Bent over rows, review of Pike push ups

Learn or review the bent over row, and the pike push up
Do the following, each within 1 minute intervals:
- 10 bent over rows (3 count pull, 3 count pause at the top,)
- 5 pike push ups (3 count push, 3 count pause at the top)
- 5 bent over rows
- 3 pike pushups
- 5 bent over rows
- 3 pike pushups

WOD (Workout of the Day, 15 minutes)
5 rounds for time:
- 10 backward lunges
- 5 bent over rows
- 3 pike pushups
- 100m run or 60 jumping jacks or 30 high knees

* Bent over rows:
- Start by picking up the weights/band while keeping an arched back, extend your arms fully downward and try to bend over until your back is as horizontal as you can sustain (halfway to horizontal will suffice). Your legs can bend slightly to maintain balance.
- Keeping your back arched and elbows pointed back, pull and raise the weights/bands to your sides above your hips (try to reach your ribs). Then lower the weight to return to starting position.
- If this is too difficult, you can do partial reps, pulling only to your hips. If your back keeps on rounding out, you can do bent over bench rows instead. Always maintain a back arch.

* Bent over bench rows:
- With one foot on the floor, kneel the other knee on a bench, bend over and post arm on the same side (as the kneeling leg) on the bench. Hold the weight/band with the free hand and extend that arm downwards.
- Keeping your elbow pointed towards your feet, pull the weight up toward your side, until your elbow is above your ribs. Do the required reps on both sides.
- Always maintain a back arch, and try to minimize torso rotation as you pull.

* Pike/downward dog push ups:
- Starting from a plank position with toes and hands on the floor, bend at the hips while keeping your legs, torso and arms straight, until you form an inverted 'v' with your body. Look at your legs (do not look at the floor) to maintain neck alignment and back posture.
- Keeping your elbows pointed towards your feet, lower yourself until your head touches the floor, and push back up until your arms are straight and your shoulders are fully opened (try to touch your shoulders to your ears).
- You can spread your legs apart so that they can take more of your weight away form your arms, or you can do this with your hands on a bench. To make it more difficult, you can put your feet up on the bench and your hands on the floor.

* High knees:
- Run in place, trying to raise your lifted your knee to chest height on each bound. Always bounce on your calves


  1. oohhh we used to do bent over rows in pilates pero with a non stretchy band! nice for the back! :)

  2. 10 backward lunges
    10 bent over rows
    5 pyramid pushups
    100m run
    Total Time: 10 mins 7 secs

    In fairness, in my 1st round I did 15 backward lunges....and then I ran, and then I gave up and went back to 10 lunges :x

  3. Sir, can I do this set without arm bands?


  4. Elie,

    I assume you mean resistance bands, for the bent over rows/bench rows? You can use dumbbells, ideally the heaviest dumbbells you can lift with good form for 5 reps of the bent over row. A barbell can work for the bent over rows as well.

    If you don't have those, you can even just fill up a bag with books or other heavy objects, and lift that. Just make sure you keep proper posture and do the whole range of motion even when lifting odd objects, and try to weigh the bag to be able to keep track of what you're able to lift.

    If you really don't have anything available to lift with, you can substitute with pull ups or
    inclined body rows. (For body rows, you need a sturdy table or any low bar that can support your weight. Grasp one edge of the table, then walk your legs under the table until you are under the table with your arms fully extended. Your legs can either be straight or bent. Keeping your back straight and elbows close to your sides, pull up until your chest touches the table, then lower yourself again to extend your arms.) You can even use a training partner for this: with your partner widening his/her legs to a straddle, hold your partner's wrists and walk your legs under and behind him/her so that your body is inclined facing the ceiling with arms fully extended, then pull up until your shoulders are at least as high as your elbows.

    All else fails and you don't have anything to help you perform any pulling exercise, you can substitute with back arches/supermans, but only as a last resort. Make a way so that you can do pulling strength exercises.

  5. Yeahp, resistance bands. Thank you sir! :)

