- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic range of motion exercises
- 10 reps: side lunges, push ups, goodmornings, v-ups/tuck ups/crunches
leg strength (dumbbell squat 5x5)
Practice/Learn the dumbbell squat.
Do 5x5 dumbbell squats
- 5 sets x 5 reps each set
(Rest for 2 minutes per set. Since I'm assuming that everyone is new to weightlifting exercises, everyone should start out with 10lb dumbbells. Concentrate on doing the exercise with proper form, and with full range of motion. No need for any warm up sets for now.)
Do 21-15-9 for time:
- burpees
- tuck ups
- squats (bodyweight only, no dumbbells)
* Dumbbell squat:
- Start from a standing position with feet shoulder width apart with toes pointing slightly outward, back straight or slightly arched. Dumbbells are carried on each hand either on the sides with both arms relaxed and extended downwards, or above shoulders with elbows pointing forward (dumbbells can rest on the shoulders).
- In a deliberate and controlled manner, lower yourself by starting to bend at the hips, followed by the knees, until your hips are as low as your knees. Moving through your full range of motion is crucial. Your knees can move forward to slightly beyond your toes (keep them pointed in the same direction as toes). Do not pause nor relax at the bottom of the squat.
- Right when you reach the bottom position of your squat, aggressively go right back up to full hip extension by pulling your hips upward first. Your knees must not move any further forward when you are moving upward.
- Keep your head and chest up, knees pointed in the same direction as toes, and weight on your heels. Keep your body tight and never relax at any point in the lift, specially at the bottom.
- Keep the dumbbells directly above or below your shoulders, and they must be balanced directly above your feet on your front-back/anteroposterior axis (when someone looks at you from your side, your midfoot, shoulders, and the weights must remain lined up vertically throughout the lift).
This is a description and animation of a dumbbell squat with the weights held to the sides: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Quadriceps/DBSquat.html
This is a description and animation of a dumbbell squat with the weights held above the shoulders: http://www.exrx.net/WeightExercises/Quadriceps/DBFrontSquat.html
weights workout: leg strength (dumbbell squat)
bodyweight workout: leg power (jumps)
- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 10 reps: side lunges, bench dips, goodmornings, v-ups/crunches
SPECIFIC WARM UP: leg power (jumps)
Do 1 round, each within 1 minute intervals:
- 10 squats
- 8 forward lunges
- 6 jump squats
- 4 straight jumps
- 4 tuck jumps
As many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:
- 3 tuck jumps
- 6 burpees
- 9 push ups
bodyweight work out: leg strength (squats)
- 200m run or 150 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic range of motion exercises
- 10 reps: push ups, v/tuck ups, squats, side lunges
SKILL/SPECIFIC WARM UP: Leg strength (squats)
1 round, do each set within 2 minute intervals:
- 15 squats
- 10 forward lunges
- 5 backward lunges
- 5 single leg squats each leg (any variation)
- 15 squats
WOD (Workout of the Day):
5 rounds on a 3min interval of
- 100m run/100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- 5 pyramid pushups
- 10 jump squats
(Record your time every round, rest until the time goes to 3 minutes, then go on to the next round. You should finish with at least 45 seconds remaining. Otherwise, reduce the run/jumping jacks/jump rope volume by half.)