
bodyweight work out: leg power (lunge jumps)

- 200m run or 100 jump rope jumps or jumping jacks
- dynamic stretching/range of motion exercises (shoulder circles, vertical and horizontal arm swings, torso rotations, forward and side to side torso bends, forward-back and side to side leg swings)
- 10 reps: side lunges, forward lunges, push ups, crunches

leg power: lunge jumps

Practice/Learn the lunge jump.

Do the following in 1 minute intervals:
- 15 squats
- 10 lunges
- 5 lunge jumps (1 jump per side = 1 rep)
- 5 lunge jumps
- 5 lunge jumps

Do 5 rounds for time:
- 15 tuck ups
- 10 push ups
- 10 good mornings
- 5 lunge jumps

* Lunge jumps:
- The movement looks similar to the forward lunge, but instead of just stepping, you will jump in place and switch legs in mid-air.
- From a standing position with feet shoulder width apart, start by taking a big step forward with one leg.
- Lower your hips until your rear knee almost touches the ground, then immediately jump up.
- While in mid-air, quickly switch the positions of your legs such that the forward leg becomes the rear leg and vice versa.
- Land on a lunge with the opposite foot forward, landing first with the balls of your feet and then using the lowering movement of the lunge to absorb your landing.
- Immediately jump up and switch your legs in mid-air again to land in the same lunge as your starting position. That is 1 repetition.
- Make sure that you keep you keep your back straight, chest up, and head looking forward to the horizon throughout this exercise. Also, keep the knee of your forward leg aligned with and directly above your foot. You must also land as softly as you can, and refrain from stomping your legs on the ground.
- You can make this exercise easier by shortening your lunge, but once you are comfortable with this exercise you should try to keep you lunge as long as possible.