
Let's go sago!

From this point on, once in a while I will be posting a workout that I performed. Ideally, I'd be able to put here all the workouts that I'll do, in an effort to improve my documentation, and ultimately the quality of my own training. If I have extra time, I'll also add in some notes for those who will want to do the same workouts, and some thoughts on specific issues related to physical conditioning and the martial arts.

The previous workouts on this blog are actually patterned after ones that I've done myself, so what I'll be posting won't really be that big of a stretch for those that I've coached for those WODs earlier this year. The biggest difference will be that my strength training will involve a lot of weightlifting and some gymnastics, so equipment may become a constraint for those working out from their homes. In this case, you can always substitute the weightlifting exercises with similar bodyweight strength training exercises. For the gymnastics, there are also always substitutions that you will be able to do.

As always, before you do any of the exercises or workouts that you read from here or any other source, make sure that you recieve good instruction from a competent coach on how do these properly. Bottom line, the possibility of injury is always a risk we take.

For today, this is what I was able to do:

Warm up:
- 300 jump rope jumps
- Dynamic Range Of Motion exercises: shoulder dislocations, chicken wings, prone scorpions
- 10 reps each: incline rows, side lunges, v-ups, 30lb DB windmills

Strength Training:
5x5 Shoulder Press
- 1x5 @ 60, 70, 80, 90 lbs
- 4x4 @ 95 lbs (65% of previous 1RM)

Workout Of the Day:
10 rounds for time:
- 5 pull ups
- 10 push ups
- 15 squats
= 15min 55 sec
* Performance was down to around 80% of previous efforts. It will be a long hard climb back up. hehe.